AcasăAzerbaidjanRomanian Culture Day Celebrated in Azerbaijan Book Presentation: EMINESCU’S TRAVELS. A Multi-language...

Romanian Culture Day Celebrated in Azerbaijan Book Presentation: EMINESCU’S TRAVELS. A Multi-language Journey into Poetry


The video book project aimed to gather together the Romanian language students from many Romanian lectureships around the world to recite Eminescu’s poems in their mother tongue and in Romanian.

The ingenious online video book is a very small anthology of Eminescu’s poems translated into English, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Polish, Turkish, Azerbaijani, Hungarian, Arabic, Yiddish, Russian, coordinated by the Romanian Language and Cultural Center, ADU, Baku, in partnership with  the Romanian lectureship, Free University of Brussels – ULB, Belgium – Cristina Alice Toma, the Romanian lectureship, Charles University, Prague, Czeck Republic – Nicolae Henț, the Romanian lectureship, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany – Anca Gâță, the Department of Romanian Language and Literature, „Juhász Gyula” Institute of Pedagogy, Szeged University of Science, Hungary – Iudit Calinescu, the Romanian lectureship, Tel Aviv Universitaty, Israel – Carmen Dimitriu, the Romanian lectureship, „Adam Mickiewicz” University, Poznań, Poland – Loredana Nicoleta Ilie, the Romanian Language and Science Center Tunis El Manar University, Tunisia – Lia Faur, the Romanian lectureship Ankara University, Turkey – Alina Iftime, and in collaboration with Piccolo Museo della Poesia Chiesa di San Cristoforo, Piacenza, Italy – Sabrina de Canio.

The ilustrations for the book were done by very young artists from Anca Jitariu Studio, Cluj-Napoca, România, under the coordination of the artist Anca Jitariu Gliga.


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