/* custom css – generated by TagDiv Composer */ /* custom css – generated by TagDiv Composer */ /* custom css – generated by TagDiv Composer */ .tdi_290_f66{ min-height: 0; }
/* custom css – generated by TagDiv Composer */ /* custom css – generated by TagDiv Composer */ /* custom css – generated by TagDiv Composer */ .tdi_292_311, .tdi_292_311 .tdc-columns{ min-height: 0; }.tdi_292_311, .tdi_292_311 .tdc-columns{ display: block; }.tdi_292_311 .tdc-columns{ width: 100%; }
/* custom css – generated by TagDiv Composer */ /* custom css – generated by TagDiv Composer */ /* custom css – generated by TagDiv Composer */ .tdi_294_613{ vertical-align: baseline; }.tdi_294_613 > .wpb_wrapper, .tdi_294_613 > .wpb_wrapper > .tdc-elements{ display: block; }.tdi_294_613 > .wpb_wrapper > .tdc-elements{ width: 100%; }.tdi_294_613 > .wpb_wrapper > .vc_row_inner{ width: auto; }.tdi_294_613 > .wpb_wrapper{ width: auto; height: auto; }
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/* custom css – generated by TagDiv Composer */ /* custom css – generated by TagDiv Composer */ /* custom css – generated by TagDiv Composer */ .tdi_312_1d1{ position: relative !important; top: 0; transform: none; -webkit-transform: none; }.tdi_312_1d1, .tdi_312_1d1 .tdc-inner-columns{ display: block; }.tdi_312_1d1 .tdc-inner-columns{ width: 100%; } /* inline tdc_css att – generated by TagDiv Composer */ .tdi_312_1d1{ margin-top:20px !important; margin-right:0px !important; margin-bottom:20px !important; margin-left:0px !important; padding-top:5px !important; padding-bottom:5px !important; border-color:#005689 !important; border-style:solid !important; border-width: 1px 0px 1px 0px !important; } .tdi_312_1d1 .td_block_wrap{ text-align:left }
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/* custom css – generated by TagDiv Composer */ /* custom css – generated by TagDiv Composer */ /* custom css – generated by TagDiv Composer */ .tdi_321_d6f{ vertical-align: baseline; }.tdi_321_d6f > .wpb_wrapper, .tdi_321_d6f > .wpb_wrapper > .tdc-elements{ display: block; }.tdi_321_d6f > .wpb_wrapper > .tdc-elements{ width: 100%; }.tdi_321_d6f > .wpb_wrapper > .vc_row_inner{ width: auto; }.tdi_321_d6f > .wpb_wrapper{ width: auto; height: auto; } /* inline tdc_css att – generated by TagDiv Composer */ .tdi_321_d6f{ padding-left:0px !important; border-color:#64c1ef !important; border-style:solid !important; border-width:0 !important; }
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marți, 16 aprilie 2024
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cer senin
17.9 ° C
18.2 °
17.9 °
40 %
0 %
25 °
10 °
5 °
9 °
6 °
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RON – Română (nou) leu
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around the world

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The Mainichi, Japonia | Yenul scade la 154,- față de dolar pentru prima oară în 34 de ani

TOKYO (Kyodo) – Yenul a scăzut luni la New York sub linia 154 în raport cu dolarul american, pentru prima dată în aproape 34 de ani, din cauza reducerii așteptărilor că Rezerva Federală a SUA va reduce în curând ratele dobânzilor, pe fondul semnelor de inflație persistentă. Valoarea monedei japoneze…
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Sample post no 0 excerpt.

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Sample post no 1 excerpt.

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Sample post no 3 excerpt.

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Sample post no 4 excerpt.

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Sample post no 5 excerpt.

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Sample post no 7 excerpt.

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Sample post no 8 excerpt.

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Sample post no 9 excerpt.

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Sample post no 10 excerpt.

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Sample post no 11 excerpt.
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Bursa de Valori București

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